grey matter

英 [ˈɡreɪ mætə(r)] 美 [ˈɡreɪ mætər]

n.  (人的)头脑,脑子



  1. (人的)头脑,脑子
    a person's intelligence


      in AM, use 美国英语用 gray matter

    1. N-UNCOUNT 头脑;智力
      You can refer to your intelligence or your brains as grey matter .
      1. unsolved mathematical equation which has caused his grey matter to work overtime.


    1. So people enjoy hitting up the elliptical before working their grey matter, but does exercise actually make people better leaders?
    2. Not only was there a significant change in written tests but brain scans confirmed those who had improved their score had more grey matter.
    3. Scientists discovered signs of atrophy of grey matter in the brains of heavy internet users that grew worse over time.
    4. In brain scans, increases in verbal IQ were accompanied by an increase in grey matter in the part of the brain which is activated when you articulate speech, called the left motor cortex.
    5. The scans revealed that people who most value the company of others have, on average, more dense grey matter in two areas of the brain known as the orbitofrontal cortex and the ventral striatum.
    6. A study from Yale University in the US found that a woman's grey matter grows in the weeks and months after she gives birth.
    7. When the scientists compared the brains of taxi drivers with those of other drivers, they found the taxi drivers had more grey matter in the area of the brain associated with memory.
    8. If you use your grey matter, you can solve this math problem.
    9. We have enough grey matter to discern when the rules are helpful and when they are not.
    10. We believe this area of the brain increased in grey matter volume because of the huge amount or data they have to memorize.
    11. In view of the incompatibility and grayness of indices in optimization of supporting scheme for deep foundation pit, an optimization model based on grey matter element analysis is presented.
    12. It is the building block of human brain tissue and is particularly abundant in the grey matter of the brain and retina.
    13. They found that the PD patients with mild cognitive impairment showed a trend toward reduced grey matter in the cingulate area, a brain region associated with cognitive performance.
    14. The aggregate of cytoplasmic or extranuclear genetic material in an organism. According to the degree of seperation of the telencephalic grey matter and formation of the anterior horns, severity of the malformation can be estimated.
    15. The brain, the grey-colored mass of folds and grooves that covers the top of my anatomic hemispheres, the region where the main stems of my cells are found, is called the cortex or grey matter;
    16. An optimization model of grey matter element analysis of supporting schemes for deep foundation pit and its application
    17. The trial will study the safety of Neuralstem's cells and the surgical procedures and devices required for multiple injections of the drug directly into the grey matter of the spinal cord.
    18. Even though Mr. B possesses unique grey matter, he does not flaunt himself.
    19. It's not clear whether using social networks boosts grey matter or if those with certain brain structures are good at making friends, say researchers.
    20. Researchers then performed MRI scans on the adults and it was revealed that new grey matter had formed in the left hemisphere of their brains.
    21. Those who used spatial navigation strategies ( i.e.the non-GPS method) had increased activity and a greater volume of22) grey matter in the hippocampus than those who relied on GPS.
    22. Low density of grey matter of temproral lobe, sulci narrowing or disappearance and unclear grey matter margin.
    23. Encourage the older patients to play card games or do simple jigsaw puzzles-anything that keeps the grey matter in use.
    24. Optimum Degree Analysis of Grey Matter Element and Its Application
    25. Traumatic brain injury and grey matter concentration: A preliminary voxel based morphometry study
    26. Grey matter elements analysis of indoor air quality
    27. Study for Grey Matter-element Analysis
    28. Cerebellar white matter was severely involved, but the grey matter nucleus were not involved.
    29. On the basis of grey matter elements theory, this paper assesses indoor air quality.
    30. 3D-DOCTOR software was used to make threshold segmentation and to reconstruct spinal cord, grey matter and bilateral corticospinal tracts ( CSTs) of rat.



    1. greyish nervous tissue containing cell bodies as well as fibers

        Synonym:    gray mattergrey substancegray substancesubstantia grisea